
Development of Higher Education Content Aimed to Support Industries for Sustainable Production of Qualitative Agri-food

link to AgroDev at KNAU



Since 2021, the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies implements the project AgroDev (“Development of Higher Education Content Aimed to Support Industries for Sustainable Production of Qualitative Agri-food”) in cooperation with Hilfswerk International, KNAU, LNU, NSU, TDAU, TDIU SF and URK. The project is funded by the European Union within the framework of the program “ERASMUS+” (line 2: “Enhancing the Potential of Higher Education”).
The overall goal is to modernize higher education in the field of agro-industry, and thereby contributing to the introduction and effective management of sustainable agro-food production systems in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
The project team aims to develop the content and mechanisms of higher education such that the trained specialists will better meet the needs of the agro-industrial sector in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
Along with the development and implementation of the content and improvement of the learning environment, the project contributes to strengthening ties between higher education institutions and agro-industrial enterprises in Central Asia. It contributes to the strengthening of cooperation between universities in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and EU countries.


Target region:
> Kyrgyzstan
> Uzbekistan


РУС  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Leaflet


(also check our photo and video galleries and AgroDev news)


РУС  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Presentation of Hilfswerk at EGU24


РУС  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Press release (12-07-2023 / KNAU forum)

РУС  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Press release (21-04-2021 / Agri-Food II)

РУС  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Press release (08-04-2021 / Agri-Food I)


РУС  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Report on situation and needs analysis


РУС  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Rollup


РУС  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Scientific article on Hilfswerk’s activities

РУС  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Scientific abstract on Hilfswerk at EGU24


РУC  ENG  ТОҶ  УЗБ  КЫР          Training on GLOBALG.A.P. food safety

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The project aims to modernize the content of higher education to promote the development of national agri-food production systems, in which farmers will apply internationally recognized good agricultural practices and principles and approaches of sustainable agribusiness management, thus increasing the agri-food sector, the efficiency and competitiveness of the industry, and supporting business development, providing residents with quality food and a clean environment, and indirectly contributing to regional and rural development.

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