Higher Education for Central Asia Food Systems and Standards

link to HECAFS at NASMB



From 2016 to 2019, the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies implemented the project HECAFS (“Higher Education for Central Asia Food Systems and Standards”) in cooperation with Hilfswerk International, AFVE, KEU, KSTU, LSMU, NASMB, TAU, TTU and URK. The project was funded by the European Union within the framework of the program “ERASMUS+” (line 2: “Enhancing the Potential of Higher Education”).
The overall objective of the project was to support the modernization of the higher education system to implement international systems and standards for the production and processing of alimentary products, and to increasing thereby the export potential of SMEs. The project team aimed to make higher education systems approach to the needs of the producing and processing industries of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Along with other components and activities, the project strengthened links between higher education institutions and food processing enterprises. Furthermore, it promoted close cooperation between higher education institutions in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and the European Union.


Target region:
> Tajikistan
> Kyrgyzstan


РУС  ENG  ТОҶ          Leaflet


(also check our photo and video galleries and HECAFS news)


РУС  ENG  ТОҶ          Presentation of Hilfswerk at EGU24


РУС  ENG  ТОҶ          Scientific article on Hilfswerk’s activities

РУС  ENG  ТОҶ          Scientific abstract on Hilfswerk at EGU24

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Within the framework of the project, the consortium developed and implemented training modules on standards and systems for ensuring food safety at the level of producers and farmers (GLOBALG.A.P. – Good Agricultural Practice) and processors (HACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). On the long term, the project allowed regional food processing SMEs to meet the requirements of external markets to ensure food safety and to enhance competitiveness.

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