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How to reach us:

Hilfswerk International / Head office in Austria
Managing Director | Mag. Stefan Fritz, MBA
Regional Manager | Mag. Stoyanka Manolcheva, BA
Grünbergstraße 15/2/5
1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43-1 4057 500 1
E-mail: office [at] hilfswerk-international.at
Hilfswerk International / Regional office in Tajikistan
Head of Mission | Umed Aslanov
Vefa Business Center
Bokhtar Street 37/1, apt. No. 907
734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Phone: +992-372 27 37 78
E-mail: aslanov [at] hilfswerk.tj
Licensed design: WPBakery Page Builder using the theme The7
Licensed hosting: kei.pl, Poland (EU)
Build-up and curation: G. D. (web-administrator)