Hilfswerk in Tajikistan

The representative office of Hilfswerk International is an Austrian non-profit charitable organization promoting international cooperation. Operating in Tajikistan since 2001, it has been implementing projects and programs for agricultural development and providing support of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Furthermore, it focusses on projects in the social sector and other priority areas of social and economic development.

Hilfswerk International is an international, humanitarian and impartial organization, without religious affiliation.

The main objective of the organization is to assist civil victims affected by environmental disasters, economic hardship and war.

During project implementation phases, Hilfswerk International efficiently cooperates with the following government facilities of the Republic of Tajikistan:

  • The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
  • The State Committee on Investments and State Property Management
  • The Ministry of Education and Science
  • The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
  • The Ministry of Agriculture
  • The Agency for Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Trade Inspection under the Government of Tajikistan
  • Several local executive bodies representing the state authority

Moreover, Hilfswerk International in Tajikistan maintains close cooperation with international organizations such as UNDP, GIZ and USAID for the implementation of diverse projects.

Basic principles

  • Sustainable self-help support
  • Cooperation with the Austrian economy
  • Acquaintance with Austria
  • Independent strict control over the use of donations

Main activities

  • Assistance to victims of wars and natural disasters (emergency assistance, recovery & restoration)
  • The fight against poverty and hunger
  • Education of children, youth and adults
  • SME support and revenue generation
  • Disease control
  • Rural and agricultural development
  • Water supply and improvement of sanitary conditions in settlements
  • Supporting small businesses and taking steps to generate revenue
  • Respect of rights of national minorities and human rights
  • Development of non-governmental organizations and building a civil society

Our values

  • Respect of culture, history and traditions
  • Competent and goal-orientated support
  • Responsible and interested employees

Our team


Stoyanka Manolcheva

Regional Manager
Hilfswerk International in Central Asia

Grünbergstrasse 15/2/5
1120 Vienna, Austria

E-mail: stoyanka.manolcheva [at] hilfswerk-international.at
Phone: +43-1 4057 500 150
Mobile: +43-676 878760620


Umed Aslanov

Head of Mission
Hilfswerk International in Central Asia

Vefa Business Center
Bokhtar Street 37/1, apt. No. 907
734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan

E-mail: aslanov [at] hilfswerk.tj
Phone: +992-372 27 37 78
Mobile: +992-91 844 06 33


Shuhrat Qodirov

Regional Marketing Specialist
Hilfswerk International in Central Asia

Vefa Business Center
Bokhtar Street 37/1, apt. No. 907
734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan

E-mail: shuhrat.qodirov [at] hilfswerk.tj
Phone: +992-372 27 37 78
Mobile: +992-93 308 00 05


Gulbarg Lalbekova

Administrative Assistant & Cashier
Hilfswerk International in Tajikistan

Vefa Business Center
Bokhtar Street 37/1, apt. No. 907
734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan

E-mail: gul.lalbekova [at] gmail.com
Phone: +992-372 27 37 78
Mobile: +992-93 955 02 75


Gisela Domej

Web-Administrator &
Data Base Manager

Dom Akademicki (AMU)
ul. Nieszawska 3, apt. No. 1001
61-021 Poznan, Poland

E-mail: g.domej [at] gmail.com
Mobile: +43-681 10622318



Program Assistant
Hilfswerk International in Tajikistan

Vefa Business Center
Bokhtar Street 37/1, apt. No. 907
734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Phone: +992-372 27 37 78